Last Updated: 02/07/2021
To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.
We need to oppose this as we were fighting for our lives.
HR127: License to own guns or ammo (Pt 1) - YouTube
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New Mexico Legislation Posted 2/3/2021
Mandatory Storage Legislation Introduced In The New Mexico Senate
SB 224: Lock Up Your Guns or Face State Charges
Dear New Mexico NRA Member:
Another legislative session -- another ineffective, intrusive and unenforceable
gun control proposal. You wonder what they'll come up with next? Well, here it
is: Senate Bill 224 by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-ABQ), who must be
auditioning for anti-gun billionaire Bloomberg's support in her campaign for the
1st Congressional District.
SB 224 reads as follows: "It is an offense for a firearm owner or authorized
user to store or keep a firearm in any premises unless the firearm is secured in
a locked container or secured by a gun lock or other means so as to render the
firearms inaccessible or unusable to any person other than the owner or
authorized user."
You could be fined up to $500 for failing to do so, or $1,000 if a minor, an "at
risk" person or a prohibited person obtains the firearm. Both are misdemeanor
But, it doesn't stop there. The bill could actually make you a criminal if a
minor were allowed access to your firearm, unless he or she is at least twelve
years of age and has already successfully completed a firearms safety training
course. So you could be charged with a misdemeanor for teaching your kid how to
Please contact your state senators and urge them to OPPOSE SB 224!
New Mexico Legislation: Posted 1/30/2021
Will require a federal license to own/purchase firearms and ammunition. For more information see the link below!!!
Monday, January 18, 2021, 07:48:25 PM MST
Proposed legislation in NM affecting shooting sports instructors
Good Evening, All,
I'm reaching out to you tonight with a call to action. It was brought to
my attention today that the New Mexico State representative from Bernalillo,
Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D), has proposed legislation that includes a clause that
would allow for firearms instructors to be held criminally liable if a student
at any time commits an act of "domestic terrorism" under this bill's
An overview of this bill can be seen at
The exact text of the bill is available here at
As the independent-minded folks that I know you are, you're certain to have an
opinion on this proposal and how it will affect shooting sports and concealed
carry instructors statewide. It's time to practice what we preach, gang.
Any one of you who's heard me give a benediction knows what I'm about to say,
but it bears repeating.
At all levels of government, our elected representatives take an oath to
preserve and defend the Constitution. Their job is to represent the will of
their respective constituencies in the execution of that oath. Not just
the part of the population who voted for them, ya'll. ALL of them. In
order for this process to work, it's our responsibility as citizens and
taxpayers to communicate our will to them.. Let's face it. They cannot
possibly adhere to our wishes if they don't know what those wishes are.
Remember the guidelines: A typed or handwritten letter has a significantly
higher likelihood of actually making it to the legislator's desk than electronic
forms of communication. Keep it under one page, including salutation and
closing. Be respectful. Be specific. Identify the proposed bill,
express your position, and support it with a few rational arguments.
Invite them to reach out to you for further discussion on the matter. Be
respectful! And be persistent.
New Mexico residents can find the contact information for their respective House
and Senate officials at
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. I'll do my
best to get you answers.
In Liberty,
Traci Fuller
Project Appleseed NM State Coordinator