A Brief History of Picacho Gun Club
In 1965 Picacho Gun Club was organized as a New Mexico not-for-profit corporation to promote shooting sports in Las Cruces. We are affiliated with the National Rifle Association and the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association.
One of the main objectives of this organization is to encourage organized rifle, pistol, shotgun and airgun shooting competitions and to promote safe firearm handling as well as improve marksmanship.
In 1975 Picacho Gun Club and Dona Ana County Associated Sportsmen worked with the city of Las Cruces and the Bureau of Land Management to establish the Butterfield Trail Shooting Range. Since that time we have helped maintain and improve range to provide a safe place for recreational and competition shooting. This is a work in progress and new projects are set up each year.
What Are We Doing Now!! Monthly Shooting matches
Monthly meetings with programs of interest
to shooters. Help maintain and improve Butterfield Trail Shooting
We support: The 2nd Amendment 4-H, Boy Scouts and
other youth activities.
We Promote: Senior Olympics Airgun county/state games Shooting skills/training through fun shoots and women's programs We provide: Training for beginning shooters Gun safety programs Safety officers for special matches at the range Displays for
Hunting and Fishing Day
shows to promote shooting And
much, much, much more!!
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